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Our Body is created to stay
healthy, as long as we are not
interfering with its Functions!
Our Body is created to stay
healthy, as long as we are not
interfering with its Functions!

How the Body works


All body systems are dependent on our wonderful nervous system to work properly. When there are blocks in the nerve flow, energy in the living body is decreased. The goal is to adjust the blocks and bring the body into harmony. Not just bones, but soft tissues too.

Massage, stretching and new ways of training the body to move more efficiently are all strong methods to promote health and well-being.

Many chiropractor physicians share my viewpoint and are interested in treating the whole person; not just the physical, but also the emotional and chemical imbalances, which are often parts of life problems.

Emotional blockages often interfere with energy used by the body. Psychological trauma may produce tension almost anywhere in muscular and connective tissues.

Chemical imbalances are common in our society. Just think of air pollution, poor diet, inadequate use of vitamins and minerals, the intake of harmful drugs, which remain in our system for a long time, and the poor water quality most of us are consuming.

Removing causes such as these examples is, where we begin our exploration and diagnosis process, so we can help your life force to heal you.

Interferences, as mentioned above can result in subluxations.

Subluxations may have the following origins:


Chemical - Mechanical - Emotional


Subluxations can be found in any joint in our body. They are a misalignment at the articulation of two bones, resulting in disturbed motion of a joint, leading to disfunction.

When mechano-receptors in the joints are disturbed by a subluxation, it causes the disfunction of muscles, ligaments and capsules. This leads to adhesions between tissue layers in the musculo-skeletal system, causing altered biomechanics.

Most of the time we are not aware of the existence of subluxations; we have pain, discomfort and we feel tired and stressed. One of the major causes can be related to subluxations in our body.

Vertebral subluxation is a change in the position between two articulating vertebral bones in the spinal column. It can be held responsible for the interruption of various functions of our nervous system relating to many health problems and the development of diseases.

What does "adjusting the body" mean


By adjusting the body, I


- remove subluxations and restore the full range of motion of any joint of the body

- remove the nerve interferences resulting from subluxations


Soft tissues are also adjustable and help to hold the subluxation corrections. All adjustments together are responsible for the re-education of our neuromuscular functions. Adjustments will improve our biomechanics (the way we are moving) and enhance a good posture. It will take away the overloads from joints, joint capsules, ligaments, tendons, discs, bursa, menisci and all types of receptors in the above-mentioned structures. Taking away the load from the receptors will make sure no false information is forwarded to the brain. The brain is fed with more proper information toward the periphery now being able to control our system properly.

There is less interference in controlling the body, which means a decrease of tension and stress. Our system all together can function better, which again will improve our health.

Copyright 2001-2025 Dr. Mattie Klare D.C.. All rights reserved.

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